To Report a Traffic Safety Concern

Report A Traffic Safety Concern

If you witness a traffic safety concern regarding truck traffic, vehicles blocking roadway in the community, please contact the Police Department.

Be prepared to identify the location of the traffic or road issue and provide a description of the involved vehicle(s). For an immediate response, please contact the non-emergency Bucks County Dispatch Center at 215-328-8523.

For emergencies, dial 9-1-1. 

If your traffic or roadway concern is not in need of immediate attention, please contact the station at 610-294-9158. You may also submit a report online under the Online Reporting tab.


Please do not take a situation in to your own hands.  This could be dangerous for you or the driver of vehicle and possibly a liability issue – i.e. damage to property, vehicles or injuries.

By contacting the police your incident will be documented for gathering statistical information.

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