Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of 7 volunteer residents appointed to 4-year terms for the purpose of advising the Board of Supervisors in matters relating to planning and zoning, subdivisions and land development applications, planning modules, and proposed ordinances.

David Upmalis, Chair, 2026
Terry Johnston, Vice Chair, 2028
John Clement, Secretary, 2025
Luke Sorensen, 2027
Neil Sullivan, 2027
Dan Ullman, 2028

Meets Generally, the second and the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. monthly except in the summer months:
Check Township Calendar for updates/changes/etc.

Meeting dates subject to change or cancellation. All meetings are held at the Tinicum Township Municipal Building located at 163 Municipal Road, Pipersville, PA 18947, unless otherwise noted. Check the Home Page for updates. Some meetings may be held remotely. All meetings are open to the public.

Click here to complete the application and email the completed form to or mail to Township office.  New members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors.  All committee members must be current residents of Tinicum Township. Committee members are required to attend or participate via teleconference 50% at a minimum of the meetings during the year so that quorums can be met for action items.

Any person with a disability requiring a special accommodation to attend a meeting of the Tinicum Township Board of Supervisors should notify the Township Office at (610) 294-9154 as early as possible, but not later than 3 working days prior to the meeting. The Board of Supervisors will make every effort to provide a reasonable accommodation.