Emergency & Emergency Medical Services

Find your Emergency Medical Service Provider, click here. (updated 9/2017)

Ambulance Companies

There are two ambulance companies that service Tinicum Township: Upper Bucks Regional Emergency Medical Services and Point Pleasant – Plumsteadville Emergency Medical Services. Both non-profit companies are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with career paramedics. In the event the primary ambulance is not available, Bucks County 911 will dispatch the next closest appropriate unit automatically.

To ensure a rapid response time, these ambulance companies are supplemented by Quick Response Units (QRS) that originate from the Delaware Valley and Ottsville Fire Companies. Their proximity often enables them to reach you first and provide basic medical service until the ambulance arrives.

Upper Bucks Regional Emergency Medical Services www.ubrems.org

Upper Bucks Regional EMS, Inc (UBREMS) is a Paramedic Mobile Intensive Care Unit licensed by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health to provide Basic and Advanced Life Support and emergency treatment and transport. For more information, contact:

• Station 142, 8716 Easton Road, PO Box 105, Revere, PA 18953 Phone (610) 847- 8801, opt. 0
• Station 141, 2330 Township Road, Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone: (610) 847-8801 x711

Point Pleasant – Plumsteadville Emergency Medical Services www.medic124.org

Pt Pleasant-Plumsteadville EMS is a Paramedic Mobile Intensive Care Unit licensed by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health to provide Basic and Advanced Life Support, emergency treatment and transport, and non-emergency care and transport. For more information, contact:

• 5205 Stump Rd, PO Box 391, Plumsteadville, PA 18949 Phone: (215) 766-7285

Safety Tips

Reflective Numbers Help Emergency Responders find you FAST! 

When an emergency responder has difficulty locating an address, they lose valuable time. Minutes can mean the difference between life and death for a family member or the complete loss of your home or barn to fire. Make sure you have properly sized reflective street numbers on your house or business. The numbers must be placed at a conspicuous location at the end of your driveway. The Department of Public Works can provide a compliant, reflective sign for a small fee of $10.00. If you have any questions, please contact us at 610-294-9154 or email Roger Margot, Public Works Director, at rmargot@tinicumbucks.org

Emergency Evacuation AssistanceSpecial Needs Registry
The Special Needs Registry is a free, voluntary and strictly confidential program designed to help those who would have difficulty during an evacuation due to physical or cognitive limitations, language barriers, or lack of transportation. The Special Needs Registry has now been combined with ReadyBucks, the alert system powered by Everbridge. Simply sign-up, select your alerts, and on the information page, check any Special Needs you may have or additional assistance you may need. After completing sign-up, not only will emergency personnel be able to serve you better by having your information at their fingertips, but will also be able to check your status based on the alerts they send out.


To Report a Traffic Concern

Report A Traffic Safety Concern

If you witness a traffic safety concern regarding truck traffic, vehicles blocking roadway in the community, please contact the Police Department.

Be prepared to identify the location of the traffic or road issue and provide a description of the involved vehicle(s). For an immediate response, please contact the non-emergency Bucks County Dispatch Center at 215-328-8523. For emergencies, dial 9-1-1. 

If your traffic or roadway concern is not in need of immediate attention, please contact the station at 610-294-9158. You may also submit a report online under the Online Reporting tab.


Please do not take a situation in to your own hands.  This could be dangerous for you or the driver of vehicle and possibly a liability issue – i.e. damage to property, vehicles or injuries.

By contacting the police your incident will be documented for gathering statistical information.


Power Outages/Downed Lines- Safety First. By First Energy Corp.

Please report any downed lines ASAP by calling 911. Customers should assume all downed or low-hanging power lines are energized and dangerous. Stay at least 30 feet away and use extra caution where downed lines are tangled in trees or other debris.

Customers who experience a service interruption due to the storm are encouraged to report their outage by calling 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877), texting OUT to LIGHTS (544487) or clicking the “Report Outage” link on www.firstenergycorp.com.

FirstEnergy customers can sign up to receive email and text message alert notifications for updates after they’ve reported a power outage. Customers can also use two-way text messaging to report outages, request updates on restoration efforts and make other inquiries about their electric accounts. More information about these communication tools is available at www.firstenergycorp.com/connect.